This week, meet Joe, our exceptional Assistant General Manager. His playlist transitions from Ween to Tay-K, to the Velvet Underground, and SOPHIE; listen now!
Name: Joseph Barlow (he/him)
Hometown: Marshalltown, IA
Year: Fourth Year
Field(s) of Study: Ethics and Public Policy
SCOPE Position: AGM

Spotify Playlist
Listen to SCOPE Selects: Joseph Barlow on Spotify
The Deep Cuts
I wanted to go from the Breeders to Tay-K and have it make sense. Just a lot of songs that I’ve been playing a lot lately/make my heart feel full. "Wobbly", "Hold yr Terror Close", and "Bitch Where" are songs that’ll be in my top ten forever no contest. Ween is also included for obvious reasons. Hope you enjoy ;)
Three Favorite Albums
Modern Vampires of the City - Vampire Weekend
Fetch the Boltcutters - Fiona Apple
Fever to Tell - YeahYeahYeahs
Favorite Concert Experience
I saw Alex G play and Hinterland this year. I remember he did this screamo noise rock song out of nowhere and seeing that man do that was both jarring and profound, like he’s just such an oddball guy and it made me feel lucky to witness a moment like that.
Hobbies / Interests / Fun Facts / Campus Involvement
Love playing music with all sorts of friends in my scary unfinished basement, cooking, collecting/consuming cool books and records, and anything else that has to do with all those things. Campus involvement is primarily SCOPE going on.