Get to know Samar, a spectacular member of SCOPE's general committee! Give her playlist a listen and find some fun, fresh tunes!
Name/Pronouns: Samar Mohammed (she/her)
Hometown: Iowa City, IA
Year: Freshman
Field(s) of Study: Open Major
SCOPE Position: Gen Comm, Hospitality Committee

The Deep Cuts
This playlist is mostly a collection of songs I’ve been enjoying lately and some all-time favorites!
I’d say a lot of the songs on this playlist are energetic and upbeat. I love blaring music in my headphones and having songs that I can dance to. My go-tos would be “Immaterial” by SOPHIE, “Deleter” by Grouplove, and “Runner” by Tennis.
Some of the songs on here are very nostalgic to me, including “Pool” by Samia. The intro is a recording of her grandmother singing a lullaby in Arabic and it’s very reminiscent of my own childhood. Another would be “A World Alone” by Lorde. Pure Heroine was the album that got me into music and that song happens to be one of my favorites.
Lastly, I included songs on here that I just consider to be perfect. One of my current favorites, “Dreamcatching” by Magdalena Bay is super catchy synthpop with sappy lyrics and a banging outro. Other honorable mentions include “Boys at School” by Spellling, “God Turn Me Into A Flower” by Weyes Blood, “Kerosene!” by Yves Tumor, and finally “Champagne Coast” by Blood Orange.
Three Favorite Albums
Pure Heroine by Lorde
Heaven To A Tortured Mind by Yves Tumor
Favorite Concert Experience
This one goes to Lorde when I saw her in Des Moines in 2018. Getting to see her perform songs from both Melodrama and Pure Heroine was amazing. She closed with “Green Light” and got the entire crowd dancing. The energy inside the venue was insane. Mitski also opened for Lorde at that concert and performed “Francis Forever” and “My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars” and I instantly fell in love with her music.
Hobbies / Interests / Fun Facts / Campus Involvement
I’m really into thrifting and film photography! I also love watching movies and you can find me frequenting Filmscene downtown. I spend way too much time trying to perfect my farm in Stardew Valley. I’m also involved in choir and I’m currently learning how to play the piano!